What we do


Membership is open to all registered nurses working in clinical practice in neurology. Membership fees of €20.00 annually.


The INNF Members can avail of documentation related to patient advocacy, services, policies and guidelines to support excellence in practice.


The committee will meet at least twice a year. This will include the Annual General Meeting (AGM), which will be open to all members. The quorum for the AGM shall be ten.

Neurology in Ireland

Living with a neurological condition


Population have a neurological condition

Diagnosed each year

Latest News & Jobs

Job posts roundup – October 2023

Job posts roundup – October 2023

The following Neurology Nursing jobs are actively recruiting:

ANP/cANP Neurovascular, Tallaght University Hospital – closing date 2nd November 2023 (see here for job description and how to apply).

CNS Headache Disorders, Galway University Hospital – closing date 9th November 2023 (see here for job description and how to apply).

CNS Parkinsons Disease, Galway University Hospital – closing date 30th October 2023 (see here for job description and how to apply).

CNM 2 Neurology, University Hospital Waterford – closing date 6th November 2023 (see here for job description and how to apply).

CPD series: Epilepsy study day

CPD series: Epilepsy study day

We would like to inform you of the upcoming Epilepsy Study Day being organised as part of the Applied Clinical Neurology CPD series. The aim of this study day is to provide an essential overview in epilepsy and its management in acute and community settings.

It will take place on Friday the 20th of October in the Trinity Translational Medicine Institute Trinity Center for Health Sciences. For more information and to buy tickets, please follow the eventbrite link.

For any queries, please email helencahill@beaumont.ie